ADINJC Knowledge Hub

All About ADINJCFor ADIs and PDIsGroup MembershipsTraining and Advice

A fellow ADI is facing terrible hardship and needs help; where can they go?

Training and Advice

Are there any guidelines for helping teach pregnant people?

Training and Advice

Can an ADI be removed from the register because one person complains about them?

For ADIs and PDIs

Can I use the DVSA logo now I’m an ADI?

For ADIs and PDIs

Can someone with a disability or an automatic-only driving licence qualify as an ADI?

For ADIs and PDIs

Does it matter where on my windscreen I display my trainee PDI licence or ADI licence?

For ADIs and PDIs

How long does a membership last?

About ADINJC, Group Memberships,

I want to start a local association; how do I go about it?

Training and Advice

I’m a PDI; how much are the qualifying tests?

For ADIs and PDIs

Should I give my pupils a mock test? Where can I get copies of the marking sheet?

For ADIs and PDIs

What do I do if I have lost my green badge or it’s stolen?

What do I do if I have lost my green badge or it’s stolen?

For ADIs and PDIs

What do I do if I receive a conviction or caution?

Group Memberships

What does it cost to register and renew my licence?

For ADIs and PDIs

What is NASP?

About ADINJC, Group Memberships,

Who can apply for a membership?

About ADINJC, Group Memberships,

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