Local restrictions in Aberdeen

The Scottish Government announced on 5 August that local restrictions would be introduced in Aberdeen to limit the spread of coronavirus.

Read the Scottish government statement and the restrictions that have been put in place.

Currently the local restrictions in Aberdeen do not affect our services which have already restarted.

This means we can continue to provide those services as normal.

We will keep the situation under review and let you know if anything changes.

The Scottish Government announced on 30 July that the indicative restart date for driving lessons in Scotland is 24 August.

In the meantime only critical workers preparing for test can take lessons.

This is Maria Noakes, an ADI from Hertfordshire.  She has had a terrible 6 months.  First she fell down the stairs breaking multiple bones which put her put of work for 6 weeks,  then she caught Coronavirus which in turn led to a stroke.  Although she is getting help from the government, it is not enough to cover all her outgoings. Colleague Claire Brewster has set up a fund to help her.

If you are able to help, your donation however small would be much appreciated.  Please follow this link.



Our bank of questions and answers can be found on the front page of the website – www.adinjc.org.uk – please make this your first port of call if you have a question.

If you need to write to DVSA about test bookings the email to use is customerservices@dvsa.gov.uk; for anything about PDI or ADI licences it’s PADI@dvsa.gov.uk.  Most of them are still working from home so it’s best not to post anything in.  It may be sometime before they deal with the many sacks of post that have been received.  Please remember that they are dealing with a massive amount of queries and problems and patience will be needed!





If you would like to join the ADINJC there is more information on our website.




Whilst our newsflashes are normally a benefit of membership of the ADINJC, during this national emergency we want to share information as widely as possible, so please feel free to pass this on.  We are stronger together.


The NJC continues to be dedicated to help you in these challenging times and we hope you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy.  Please feel free to contact us for help and support.


ADINJC’s helpline is 0800 8202 444

The Secretary’s number is 07855 453414


The ADINJC is a national association run by ADIs on a not-for-profit basis.  We work tirelessly to inform, represent and support our members, and to promote the interests of our profession.