GDPR will replace the existing Data Protection Act (DPA) and it means we (DVSA) are required to make sure you’re fully aware of how we use the personal information you provided to us when you became an approved driving instructor (ADI). The privacy notice provided when you registered as an ADI remains applicable under GDPR.

Displaying your details on GOV.UK
You don’t need to take any further action if you still want us to keep displaying your details on the Find driving schools, lessons and instructors’ service on GOV.UK.

To change your preference to either display your details or remove them, you’ll need to log on to the ‘Update your ADI registration’ service and select (or deselect) the appropriate tick box.

For help with your username or password, please email

By selecting to display your details, you’ve helped almost 100,000 learner drivers to make an informed choice when looking for a driving instructor in their area so far in 2018.

Data Protection Registration
We’ve received a number of enquiries from ADIs asking whether they need to be registered as a data controller under the new regulations. Having consulted the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), DVSA can confirm that the way you manage the records of your candidates determines whether you need to register. For example, if you keep detailed training records on your candidates, you will need to register.

DVSA are currently developing guidance on this which will be circulated in due course and the ICO will be updating their own information (FAQs) to include specific guidance for ADIs.

At this point we can confirm that if there is a dashcam in use in or on your vehicle, regardless of the reason, you’ll have to register as a data controller with the ICO.

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