Guidance for instructors in Wales on lessons and tests in England

The Welsh Government has confirmed it will be lifting the firebreak restrictions in Wales from today, Monday 9 November.

How the national restrictions in England affect you

From Thursday 5 November up to Wednesday 2 December 2020:

• there will be no theory or practical tests in England, so you cannot take your pupils from Wales for a test in England
• you should not give lessons to any pupils from England or take them to a test in Wales
• instructors in England can still travel to Wales to teach a pupil who lives in Wales and take them to a test at a test centre in Wales


We are still endeavouring to get the answers to the long list of questions on the lockdown in England, we hope to have it with you tomorrow.

Festival of Road Safety 2020

What better way to pass time in lockdown than with some useful CPD?  The Festival of Road Safety replaces the 2020 National Road Safety Conference which has sadly been cancelled due to the ongoing situation with regard to COVID-19 and has a whole host of online topics that you can dip in to at your leisure.

All of the content will be aired free to view by all. However, if you want to participate in the live discussion sessions and workshops you will need to register in advance.  There is a very wide and varied programme, it’s well worth taking a look and you can do so here.


Thank you to everyone who provided me with information on their financial situation having ‘fallen through the cracks’.  I have today written to MoneyBox, and I know that many of you have done so individually.  Let’s hope that the increased interest from the media will help push the government into some action.  If you want to read the email you can do so here.

Iif you haven’t done so already do consider writing in yourself, the more people that do the more likely they are to take some notice.

The email address is, or call 03700 100 444. Lines normally open every Wednesday from 1300-1530.



Our Talk Line is still available for anybody feeling the need for someone to talk to as we continue in these troubling times.  This is a completely free and confidential service so please get in touch if you need to talk.  It’s an ear without judgment.


The NJC continues to be dedicated to help you in these challenging times and we hope you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy.  Please feel free to contact us for help and support.


ADINJC’s helpline is 0800 8202 444
The Secretary’s number is 07855 453414

The ADINJC is a national association run by ADIs on a not-for-profit basis.  We work tirelessly to inform, represent and support our members, and to promote the interests of our profession.