Learner drivers will be allowed to have driving lessons on motorways with a driving instructor in a car fitted with dual controls.

Learner drivers will be able to take driving lessons on motorways before passing their driving test under new plans set out today (30 December 2016) by Transport Minister Andrew Jones.

At the moment, you can only have driving lessons on motorways after you’ve passed your driving test. Some newly-qualified drivers take lessons through the voluntary Pass Plus Scheme.

Voluntary motorway lessons with a qualified instructor

Under the new plans, learner drivers would need to be:

  • accompanied by an approved driving instructor
  • driving a car fitted with dual controls

Any motorways lessons would be voluntary. It would be up to the driving instructor to decide when the learner driver is competent enough to have a motorway lesson.

Any change to the law would be well-publicised before coming into effect. Until then, it’s still illegal for a learner driver to drive on a motorway.

The changes will allow learner drivers to:

  • train on how to join and leave the motorway, overtake and use lanes correctly
  • practice driving at higher speeds
  • put their theoretical knowledge into practice
  • get broader driving experience before taking their driving test

Find out more about how the proposed changes will work and give your views on the plans

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