Frequently Asked Questions
Since the publication of DVSA’s latest plan to tackle ongoing test waiting time issues in December 2024, the National Associations Strategic Partnership (NASP) has asked the agency to clarify on a number of elements in the plan, and answer some of the many questions we have had from our members on this topic. Below are DVSA’s responses.
Please let your ADI association know of any further questions you may have and we will seek a response or send us an email using the contact form on the NASP website
Q1. Do the new measures proposed in DVSA’s 7 point plan related to the booking system, mean trainers can no longer swop tests over in the same manner as before? For example, previously some ADIs have taken candidate’s data and booked tests for up to 10 pupils and then choosen to swop over these tests between their pupils, having ‘reserved’ some spaces in this manner. Will these new proposals are designed to stop this practice?
The call for evidence on the driving test booking service is a chance for all users to give their views on the current system and how it could be improved and made fairer. The findings will be used to shape a consultation on proposed changes to the booking system to make it fairer for all to use. So, any changes to the way that system works, such as how tests are swapped, will be based on the outcome of the consultation.
You can respond to the call for evidence here:
Q2. Can ADIs still swop tests over by calling Customer Services and swapping pupils over, so (for example) someone not ready for test can change over with a candidate who is ready and wants a more immediate test date? Recently many ADIs and pupils have been relying on this flexibility.
No changes have been made to the current booking service system as a result of the release of the 7-point plan. We are encouraging people and businesses who use the system to complete the call for evidence. The results of this will help to shape a future consultation on changes to the booking system to make it fairer for all.
Q3. Have the 450 Examiners spoken of in terms of target recruitment already been recruited (or have already applied and are in process), as no Examiner jobs are currently advertised on
The 450 examiners are being recruited from the two recruitment campaigns that ran in July and September 2024.
Q4. The survey on bookings is getting a lot of comments. Some suggest it is a waste of time as those abusing the system the most won’t fill it in anyway (or may lie on it) so trainers are querying the point of filling it in?
The call for evidence on the driving test booking service is a chance for all users to give their views on the current system and how it could be improved and made fairer. All responses will be looked at as part of the analysis and any changes to the way that system works, such as how tests are swapped, will be based on the outcome of the call for evidence.
We would encourage all of your members to complete the call for evidence.
Q5. We have been asked by members if DVSA are wanting to encourage whistle blowing on those abusing the booking system, and to clarify the process for that
If any ADIs have concerns about the booking system being misused, they should speak to their LDTM who will be able to advise or raise a query with DVSA. They will be asked to provide evidence to back up the claims.
Q6. Are we correct in saying PDIs cannot use OBS, but when they pass Part 3 they are told about it and how to use it?
Potential driving instructors can use the online business service, but they must be attached to another business to use it until they qualify as they are not allowed to run their own business until they have passed their ADI part 3.
Q7. When will the measure of a 10-day notice period of cancellation be introduced?
DVSA is working to bring in this change from Spring 2025. The exact date has not yet been confirmed, and we will let learner drivers and driving instructors know when the date is confirmed.
Q8. How much notice will instructors receive about the introduction?
We will give instructors and driving test candidates as much notice as possible ahead of any change being introduced.
Q9. Will existing test bookings be exempt from the 10-day notice?
Any tests that take place after the date the changes comes into effect will be subject to the changes. We will write to all affected candidates with tests booked to explain how the changes effects them as part of the communications plan.
Q10. Will all candidates be notified with ample time to move their date without penalty?
Yes. We will include messages to affected candidates as part of the communications plan to explain how the changes will affect them and send them in plenty of time ahead of the changes coming in to affect.
Q11. When will the longer waiting period after a ‘bad’ test fail be introduced?
The date for the consultation on further increasing the amount of time people must wait to book another test in certain situations is still to be finalised. We will announce the date of the consultation when we can.
Q12. How will DVSA deal with suspected misuse of the OBS?
DVSA monitors the use of the online business service and investigates any action that goes against the terms and conditions and will take appropriate action. If any are identified as breaking the rules for using the system, DVSA will:
· issue them with a warning notice
· suspend their account so they are temporarily unable to access the system to book driving test
· close their account so they are no longer able to access the system to book driving tests
Q13. How will these changes affect Part 2 & 3 bookings on the OBS?
There will be no changes to Part 2 and 3 bookings made on OBS.
Q14. Will there be an increase in test fees to pay for these changes?
DVSA keeps the fees it charges for all of its statutory services, including driving tests, under continuous review. Any proposals to change any fees would be subject to HM Treasury approval and public consultation.
Q15. Will all the results of DVSA surveys/consultations be published?
Yes. DVSA plans to publish the results of the call for evidence and consultations that have been included in the 7-point plan.
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