Firstly, this evening’s webinar is over-subscribed.  If you can’t get on you can still watch it on Facebook Live through the ADINJC page 

As always, it will be recorded, we will send the link out tomorrow and it will be on the website.


The following was taken from questions on the BBC News site – click here to see the full article.



And one from Which, another trusted source.




If you would like to join the ADINJC there is more information on our website.


Whilst our newsflashes are normally a benefit of membership of the ADINJC, during this national emergency we want to share information as widely as possible, so please feel free to pass this on.  We are stronger together.


The NJC continues to be dedicated to help you in these challenging times and we hope you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy.  Please feel free to contact us for help and support.


ADINJC’s helpline is 0800 8202 444

The Secretary’s number is 07855 453414

HMRC Helpline:  0800 0159 559

Citizens Advice Bureau –

You can sign up to receive Government updates on Coronavirus relating to driving tests here.

The ADINJC is a national association run by ADIs on a not-for-profit basis.  We work tirelessly to inform, represent and support our members, and to promote the interests of our profession.